Calling all volunteers and employee engagement enthusiasts! April is National Volunteer Month and April 18th - 24th is National Volunteer Week. It is a month long celebration of volunteers and volunteerism, with many opportunities popping up in local communities to...
Public Relations
Your CEO doesn’t have time for content marketing
If you’ve been active in the business world lately, you’ve certainly heard of content marketing. But what is content marketing and how do these companies have time to produce all these blogs, videos and posts on top of their already busy days?
The release of releasing the release
During my nearly two years as a reporter, I spent a significant portion of each day sifting through countless emails (I had 34,000 emails in my inbox when I left), the majority containing a press release. The process started with “starring” the emails worthy of a...
Managing the Smacktivist
Managing the Smacktivist Smacktivisit: noun A person who uses social media primarily to talk smack about an organization, business or person. Usually this person sees themselves as an activist for a cause of some sort. Also see: “Troll” Social Media has changed...
Why Media Kits are Great for Journalists & Your Company
Whenever possible we provide digital media kits. More than a press release, we include visual elements to aid in the story like photography, graphics or videos.