If you’re serious about boosting your company’s recruitment and hiring efforts, there are two areas you need to emphasize: authenticity and relatability.
Three Barriers to Crucial Conversations with Robert Heath Sr.
When having difficult conversations, tensions can run high — especially when disagreements about politics or strategy arise. In this Klatsch, Robert Heath Sr., US Marine Corps veteran, attorney and CEO of The Legacy Leadership Consulting Group, describes the 3 barriers to having crucial conversations.
2 Reasons the Cost of Disengaged Employees is Way Higher Than You Think
Considering Americans spend about a third of their lives at work, you’d think we would derive a great deal of meaning from what we do. When we look at workers around the world, this is usually the case, but surprisingly it is not true of Americans—at least not in...
Avoiding the Unintentional Exclusion Trap with Robert Heath Sr.
Are you unintentionally excluding customers, clients, and talent from your organization? Robert Heath Sr. joins Vince on the Klatsch to learn intentionality in shaping an inclusive culture.
Our Attention is Invaluable and We Give it Away for the Dumbest Reasons
Why taking control of your attention supply chain is critical to success in business. The Sirens of distraction are calling.
Understanding the “Attention Economy”
Desperate for your attention, marketing and ad pros have little choice but to perpetuate social decay. Where do we go now?